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In the current century, Technology and Innovation have to be leveraged to serve the country's vast population and its dream. Information and Communication Technologies today play a crucial role in economic and societal transformation. Digital India aims to harness this potential. The government is implementing the Digital India project as an umbrella program to prepare India for knowledge-based transformation into a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy.

e-Governance uses information and communication technology (ICT) to enable more efficient, cost-effective, and participatory government, facilitate more convenient government services, allow greater public access to information and make government more accountable to citizens. These practices reinforce other reforms that are helping countries to better compete in the regional and global economy by strengthening markets and individual choices that promote economic growth and poverty reduction. However, to implement e-Governance projects successfully, the solution must be interoperable, secure, scalable, reusable, leading to efficiency, effectiveness, reduction in cost and risk. To harness this, MeitY has entrusted to Standardization Testing & Quality Certification (STQC) Directorate and Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) to formulate new or revise the existing standards, guidelines and/or framework in allied areas of e-Governance under the project name “e-Governance Standards and Guidelines (EGSG)”. e-Governance Standards, Guidelines, Frameworks make government services accessible to the common man through common service delivery outlets, ensuring efficiency, transparency, and reliability at affordable costs. At the same time, all the relevant information, data and functionalities within an e-governance application or system of one government organization shall be made available to other e-governance applications/ systems through Open APIs, which should be platform and language independent.
