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Members of Domain Committee for Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation


Joint Secretary (Water), MDWS

Member Secretary

Technical Director (NIC)
Members Notification
1. A representative from Ministry of Rural Development
2. A representative from Urban Development
3. A representative from Agriculture
4. A representative from Planning Commission
5. A representative from UIDAI
6. A representative from Office of RGI
7. Representatives from State Governments and State Informatics Officers, NIC of Orissa, Tamil Nadu & Gujarat
8. A representative each from UNICEF and WSP-SA
9. A representative from Water-Aid
10. D. C. Mishra, Deputy Director General, NIC
11. Dr. Meenakshi Mahajan, STD and Head, e-Governance Standards Division, NIC
12 Ms. Kavita Bhatia, Addl.Director, Meity
13. Director(Water), MDWS and Director (Sanitation), MDWS
14. DS(Finance), MDWS
15. Joint Director (Stats.)