Suffix Code
Suffix is a title to be suffixed with the Name of a Person:
It can be positional title like: IAS, IPS etc.
(At times, it can be linked with positional title attained due to some educational qualification like: MD, etc.)
Appellation Code
An Appellation is title for a Person to be prefixed with
His / Her name. It represents:
a. Gender & Marital status like Mr., Mrs., Ms.
b. Attained professional educational qualification like Dr., CA, Engineer etc.
A Person can have two Appellations.
Refer comments section for multiple Appellation concatenation at interface level.
Marital Status
It defines code for Marital Status of the Person
Full Name in Recognized Official language
Full Name in Recognized Official language expanded and captured in natural order, for the purpose of searching records by name strings
(It is a set of expanded character strings, each separated by a “blank space”, representing surname / given name/ middle name/….etc in any order as per cultural practices.
In the full name, it is mandatory to include all character strings and the expanded strings of initials reflected in the short name.
However, the full name can have additional character strings also, which might not have been included in the short name.)
Short Name in Recognized Official language
Short Name in Recognized Official language as desired to be displayed in the documents / forms.
(It is a set of character strings / Initials each separated by a “blank space”, representing surname / given name/ middle name/….etc.
The sequencing of the strings / initials has to be in the order, in which the Person desires the short name to be displayed in the documents / forms )
It should NOT include Appellation / Title.
This is one of the instances of Generic data element Name of the Person (G01.02), through which Name of the Person can be represented
Short Name In English
Short Name in English as desired to be displayed in the documents / forms.
(It is a set of character strings / Initials each separated by a “blank space”, representing surname / given name/ middle name/….etc.
The sequencing of the strings / initials has to be in the order, in which the Person desires the short name to be displayed in the documents / forms )
The full name should NOT include Appellation / Title.
This is one of the instances of Generic data element Name of the Person (G01.02), through which Name of the Person can be represented
Name of the Person
Name of a Person can be represented in different ways like:
- Short Name in English G01.02-01
- Full Name in English G01.02-02
- Short Name in Recognized Official Language G01.02-03
- Full Name in Recognized Official Language G01.02-04
These are instances of Name of the Person, which can be represented in different ways / formats