Awareness Workshop on e-Governance Standards & Guidelines for the State of Rajasthan at Jodhpur
Awareness Workshop on e-Governance Standards & Guidelines for the State of Madhya Pradesh at Bhopal
Awareness Workshop on e-Governance Standards & Guidelines for the State of Tripura at Agartala
Awareness Workshop on e-Governance Standards & Guidelines for the State of Andhra Pradesh at Vijayawada
Awareness Workshop on e-Governance Standards & Guidelines for the State of Himachal Pradesh at Shimla
Awareness Workshop on e-Governance Standards & Guidelines for the State of Goa & UT ‘Dadra and Nagar Haveli & Daman and Diu’ at Panaji
Awareness Workshop on e-Governance Standards & Guidelines for the State of Uttarakhand at Dehradun
Awareness Workshop on e-Governance Standards & Guidelines for the State of Chhattisgarh at Raipur
Awareness Workshop on e-Governance Standards & Guidelines for the State of Uttar Pradesh at Lucknow
Awareness Workshop on e-Governance Standards & Guidelines for the State of Bihar at Patna
Awareness Workshop on e-Governance Standards & Guidelines for the State of Haryana and UT Chandigarh
Awareness Workshop on e-Governance Standards & Guidelines for the State of Karnataka at Bengaluru
Awareness Workshop on e-Governance Standards & Guidelines for the state of Tamil Nadu at Chennai
Awareness Workshop on e-Governance Standards & Guidelines for the state of Gujarat at Ahmedabad
Awareness Workshop on e-Governance Standards & Guidelines for the State of West Bengal held at Kolkata
Awareness Workshop on e-Governance Standards & Guidelines for the state of Jharkhand held at Ranchi
Awareness Workshop on e-Governance Standards & Guidelines for the state of Rajasthan held at Jaipur
Awareness Workshop on e-Governance Standards & Guidelines for the North Eastern States of India held at Guwahati
Awareness Workshop on e-Governance Standards & Guidelines for the state of Kerala held at Thiruvananthapuram
Awareness Workshop on e-Governance Standards & Guidelines for the state of Maharashtra held at Mumbai
Awareness Workshop on e-Governance Standards & Guidelines for the states of Andhra Pradesh & Telangana held at Hyderabad
Online Awareness workshop on India Enterprise Architecture (IndEA) Framework on 06th October,2021
Awareness Workshop on e-Governance Standards & Guidelines (Digital Preservation Standards) on 27th August, 2021